My middle name is Robert. I'm the fourth Robert on my mom's side, so it's a family name, but I don't technically have to carry it on. I never quite cared for the name, but in a world of a million Kyle Murphys, it's a nice way to set myself apart. Not only that, it has become a constant reminder of the power of family redemption and renewal.

My personal story is one of redemption and renewal. If left to my own devices, I would continue to destroy my life, but I can thank Jesus for His redeeming love. Now, this isn't some cheesy faith smothered in Christian words and imagery. Instead, my faith is anchored in the truth that unconditional, self-sacrificing love is ultimately the only way to overcome the fear, pain, and desolation our world has known since the beginning. I haven't arrived anywhere, as this call to love like Jesus does is a revolutionary lifestyle. If you care to join me on my journey to find Truth and love radically, then find me at



is a hub for my three passions:

Teaching, Exploration, and Graphic Design

- Teacher: Mister MURPHY

- Explorer: Finite NATION

- Designer: Kiltered MARKINGS


Kyle R Murphy

Hand Drawings

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